
A Four Year experience - Sarah's Story

Sarah Doddrell

Fourth Year Intern

Sarah Doddrell - Fourth Year Intern

In 2020 our internship program shifted into an intentional four year programme, designed to developing leaders that are passionate about God and the Gospel. The Internship Programme utilises the ministry platforms and relationships that Word of Life has to provide an effective development environment for each intern.

Sarah is our 2nd intern to finish the fourth year, we interviewed her to hear about her experience, how she has seen God work, and where she is headed next.

Students who enter the fourth year of the internship are required to go on a 6 month international placement. This year Sarah headed over to Word of Life Austria where she took part in their summer camp programs.

What was your experience like serving in Austria?

It was a super busy time with back-to-back summer camps. The gospel was faithfully shared at all these camps, and many campers decided to take their next step with Jesus.

However, I found camp the hardest part because of the language barrier. I LOVE KIDS and this was super hard to not be able to interact in the way l wanted and have trained for. I was encouraged to search for other ways to serve and share Christ’s love - one of which was with the volunteers. I challenged myself to stop wanting to be the one who did everything, but instead seek to support others. One night I walked into my room, and I noticed one of the volunteers looked upset. There were a lot of excuses going on in my head as to why I shouldn’t ask her if she was ok, but I knew God was prompting me to talk to her. I sat with her and she opened up to me about how she was feeling as though she wasn’t doing a good job with her campers. I prayed with her, and we talked for a long time. God provided me with an opportunity to extend His love to a sister in Christ, to share truth with her. Although I was initially discouraged with things not going the way I expected, God opened my eyes to new opportunities and ways to serve. God continues to teach me things I didn’t expect, and I’m so grateful.

How have you grown over the internship?

The internship has prepared me in a range of different areas that equip me for future ministry and leadership. I have studied during the internship, which is required, and have done an associate’s degree in Children and Family Ministry. This has prepared me for my future ministry as it is applicable study with what I have been involved with, and it has educated me on ministry I am interested in pursuing and to continue being involved with in the future. Other ways I have been prepared is through the guidance, training and the challenge to learn from the leaders of the internship. They have given me many opportunities and helped me believe that God can use a broken vessel like me to be a part of His work. This programme has been an amazing training ground, interns are stretched and given opportunities that grow us, equip us, and push us out of our comfort zones. Each year builds upon the previous year and provides the intern with greater responsibility and more intentional opportunities in ministry, such as: being a third-year intern you go on a 3-month local church placement in NZ. Being a fourth-year intern, you go on a 6-month cross-cultural placement. All of this has prepared me significantly by being provided with intentional learning opportunities and being aware of the different avenues of ministry I could be involved in.

What are your future plans?

My future plans are to continue on with Word of Life. I will be joining staff next year and my role will be intern managing. This is a very exciting next step as I desire to offer the same encouragement, challenge, training, and discipleship that I was given over my four years in the internship. It definitely comes with great responsibility but I will continue to trust that God has and can equip me in the areas of this role.


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