
End of Year Reflection - From Management & The Board

We have had another exciting year of growth and impact in the lives of young people throughout our nation. While we have farewelled three of our staff members this year, commending them to other ministries, we have five staff who have joined our team or are in the process of raising support to join us early next year. We’re incredibly thankful for the Lord’s provision through our staff team, our volunteers, our prayer and financial supporters, as well as the numerous churches and trusts who generously support and donate to reaching young people with the life-changing message of the Gospel.

This year I’ve been impacted by the quiet commitment of youth pastors and leaders around our country. I am greatly encouraged as I talk with and watch the ministries of so many youth leaders who are committed to their young people for the long haul. Youth ministry is something that takes time, commitment and dedication. As I look across our nation, I can see the fruit of many youth leaders who have committed years to young people in their community. They have weathered the inevitable ups and downs of ministry and they’re still there, week after week, ministering to young people.

I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to these stalwarts of youth ministries throughout New Zealand. You are the leaders who make it possible for Word of Life to support local church youth groups over the long term. You are the leaders who see the fruit of long-term discipleship of young people. Thank you for your dedication to young people in your community!

It is through the ministry of committed youth leaders that we see young people mobilised to reach their friends for Christ. We have multiple stories of this happening this year as young people have boldly shared the Gospel with their friends. Thank you to everyone who is a part of this. Whether you’re a youth leader on the front lines, a staff member training and encouraging leaders, or a supporter praying for the success of the Gospel and generously giving to this ministry; you are all integral to seeing every young person in our nation impacted by the Gospel through a friend.

Nathan Martin
Ministries coordinator SI

Message From the Board

As the Governance board for Word of Life, we are reminded of the wonderful, sustaining power of God for this ministry and for His church. It has been another year of challenges and encouragements as we have seen young people, throughout this country, confronted with and conformed to, the person of Christ and His work on the cross.

This year we have been particularly challenged by the financial needs of the ministry. With a growing staff team and growing ministry opportunities comes greater cost which has caused us to turn to the Lord in prayer for His continued provision. Dave Gow has been instrumental is this area as he has traveled the country this year, engaging with supporters and seeking new partners for the ministry.

This past year has also been a time of farewells to a number of our Word of Life team as they have followed the call of God to minister and serve in other organisations and other countries. While they are missed, we delight in the knowledge that they continue their service to the Lord.

In this last quarter, we’re particularly grateful for our competent leadership team who have stepped up to fill the gap while Dave Gow has taken a well deserved sabbatical.

Can we ask you to join with us in prayer as we look to close out the remainder of 2024, serving in His power with the desire to glorify God through all that we do. Pray with us that our planning for 2025 maintains a focus on Christ, His gospel and the local church. May we see the power of the gospel continue its work as we seek to see every young person in our nation impacted by the Gospel through a friend. For His glory.

Sean Young
Word of Life New Zealand Board Chair


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